Coffee & Cake
on Farm Krumhuk

Every second week there is Coffee & Cake on Farm Krumhuk! You’ll find the dates on this website.
Also in 2025 you will have the opportunity on every second Sunday to enjoy our delicious homemade cakes in Krumhuk: The following Sunday afternoons between 15:00 to 18:00 there is
Coffee & Cake: 02./16. February and 02./16./30. March 2025
The rain has covered Krumhuk with a beautiful green blanket, the surrounding nature is thriving again. Come and endulge yourself, with a cup of coffee, a piece of cake and a beautiful view on the Auas Mountains or go for a walk through the living greennness! New piglets were also born on Krumhuk, come by and say Hi.
Prices: Adult basic fee N$60 (drinks included) (kids between 5 and 12 half price) + N$30 per piece of cake.