Guided Farmyard Tour
Everyday farming at Krumhuk
Here at Krumhuk, we live, work, and share the beautiful savanna among our Krumhuk community. Our farmers, gardeners, butchers, and bakers, and their families and children live together and make up our big Krumhuk family. Krumhuk is more than just a farm, it is also a diverse community that shares important values of sustainability, responsible growth, healthy lifestyles, and education. We welcome everyone to the farm to take a look at how we make Krumhuk the beautiful oasis that it is.
On our farm tour, you can see firsthand how we use biodynamic techniques to create rich healthy soil, and preserve the environment. You will also learn about our cattle farming, horticulture, composting, dairy and meat production, as well as our many social, educational, and cultural projects. If you’re lucky you may be able to take a peek at our youngest members of the farm, as well as see how yogurt, meat, and stone oven-baked bread are produced at Krumhuk.
On the 30 – 45 minute tour we will take you around the vegetable garden, dairy, butchery, and bakery, as well as our farm kindergarten that help to make Krumhuk self-sufficient.
Day Visitors: N$ 200 (basic price) + N$ 30/person
Overnight Guests: half price
Farm production
Get and inside view of our bakery, the dairy production and the butchery where all our fresh farm produce is being prepared.
Social Facilities
Our Kindergarden, the church and the seminar room inside the old farm house are part of our social structure.
Gardens & Nature
A variety of gardens offer all kinds of herbs, flowers, fruits and fresh vegetables throughout the year. Through several wells and a dam we are able to provide our gardens with a sufficient amount of water without removing too much ground water.
Hop on one of our game drives and spot wild Kudus, Springbok, Zebras, and perhaps if you’re lucky one of Namibia’s famous Cheetahs. Book Now >
Find out about how you can celebrate your wedding, birthday, or other events at Krumhuk. Read more >