
Community and Education

At Krumhuk we live in a large farm community of about 80 people, consisting of members, employees, trainees, families, and children. Community life expresses itself in a whole variety of ways: working and living together, festival celebrations and worship, singing together, eurythmy, and -at the beginning of every week- a morning circle in the farmyard.

Education is particularly important to us, and many of our current initiatives focus on providing education to all young people. We would also eventually love to expand our initiatives to include more agricultural training programs and cooperatives to introduce more young people to organic and biodynamic farming techniques. Check out some of our initiatives below.

The Waldorf Kindergarten is situated in a beautifully transformed, former horse stable on the farm yard. At present we have thirteen children in the care of Corinna Schauenburg, an experienced Waldorf Kindergarden teacher, and a “Weltwärts” volunteer, who integrates the children into the agricultural surrounding on the farm by going for walks, herding the cows in their pastures, and thereby allowing the children to create a relationship to the basic natural processes on the farm.

Once the children reach school age they have the possibility of going either to Aris Primary School, a public school on the farm, or to the Waldorf School Windhoek.

Founded as a public school at the beginning of the 1980’s by the second generation of farmers at Krumhuk, the Aris School is situated on the east border of the farm in the small village Aris. Krumhuk also provides housing for the students on the school grounds. The Aris School teaches students from the 1st to the 7th grade.

The purpose of the Krumhuk Children Fund is to support the education and other needs of the communities’ children from early childhood up to adulthood. Kindergarden/school fees and materials (partly), out-of-school activities, homework supervision etc. are all financed by Krumhuk Children Fund.

Some of the children have the privilege of attending the Waldorf School in Windhoek. Whether they are able to do this depends upon the admissions criteria of the school, parental permission, and finding financial sponsorship, since the fees are beyond the parents’ means. We drive 16 children (belonging to six different language groups) to and from the Waldorf School every day. In the afternoons, the children do their homework together, supervised by one of the volunteers. Our aim is to provide the parents with insights into their child’s education and thus help to bridge the possible gap between home conditions and school.

All this would be impossible without the helping hands and financial support of people who are concerned about the future of Africa, and who share the conviction that a decent future can only be founded upon meaningful, holistic education.

Our lovingly produced accessories, decorative objects and toys are much sought-after and provide full time jobs for two of the farm’s women. They make a wide range of products, which can be bought at outlets in Windhoek and direct from the farm.

The ATCK offered practical and theoretical training in farming for young Namibians of 18 and over (agriculture and home economics). In addition to the relevant main subjects, the curriculum included such artistic activities as choir, drama and eurythmy as aids for personal development. Every day was structured so as to encourage togetherness – e.g. the morning circle. The agricultural curriculum was based upon organic principles. The courses covered: Namibian farming (various types of grazing systems, dairy farming, fodder production and horticulture) and home economics curriculum (a wide spectrum of subjects from social responsibility, the care of young children and the elderly, to looking after poultry and other animals, and cooking, nutrition, sewing, knitting, etc.). All students received accommodation and completed their training with a diploma after one or two years. Unfortunately, Krumhuk was forced to close the ATCK in 2016 because of limited funding.

We use our farm chapel for several purposes. It is often used for celebrations and festivals, and supported by the local christian community.

Community celebrations, Eurythmy (team building through movement), village choir, theater, morning circles on Mondays, and more.

The Freundeskreis zur Förderung der Farm Krumhuk e.V. is a non-profit association of supporters, based in Germany under the leadership of Verena Maasdorp and Alexander Bohndorf. It manages donations and sends out information on Krumhuk’s development in regular newsletters. Donations can either be linked to a specific purpose or given freely for the general use of Krumhuk’s social and agricultural projects. Donations should be sent to the account given below using a donation voucher. The people of Krumhuk thank you for your generosity.

Read about the founding of Krumhuk and how we developed our unique philosophy of sustainable farming.  Read more >

Stay in our cosy clay bungalows, try our home-cooked farm food, and experience the wild beauty of the Namibian savanna on a game drive or a hike. Read more >

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